What Is Normal Distribution? How To Write Assignments Using It?

What Is Normal Distribution How To Write Assignments Using It

A normal distribution, also known as Gaussian or Gauss distribution, is the most significant probability distribution method in statistics. It fits many naturally occurring phenomena. Normal distribution usage is common in natural and social sciences. It is significant because of the Central Limit Theorem (CLT). CLT states that averages derived from independent, uniformly distributed random variables seem to constitute normal distributions. It is irrespective of the nature of distributions from which they are sampled. The bell-shaped curve can be observed everywhere in statistical reports. One can observe it in sample analysis, quality management and resource allocation.

Like any other probability distribution, the normal distribution defines the manner of distribution of values of a specific variable. It accurately represents the distribution of values for many natural occurrences. Also, it is the most important probability distribution in statistics. Qualities resulting from various independent processes tend to follow a normal distribution. Height, blood pressure, measurement error, and IQ scores, for example, all follow the normal distribution. Normal distribution is an essential tool for statistical analysis in natural and social sciences. So, it is vital to grasp a working knowledge of normal distribution and know how to use it in your assignments. You have an option to buy assignment online in case of any difficulties in understanding normal distribution.

What is Normal Distribution?

Normal distribution is a probability distribution evaluator. Observations that centre on the mean reflect frequency in their occurrence compared to the data that becomes smaller from the mean. The normal distribution shows a bell curve on the graph.

Parameters of Normal Distribution

The mean and standard deviation are the two parameters of a conventional normal distribution.


Mean is a measure of the central tendency of the normal distribution. It illustrates the distribution of variables calculated as ratios or intervals. In a normal distribution graph, the mean defines the position of the peak. Most of the observations cluster around the mean. Any changes to the mean value causes the curve to shift to the right or left on the X-Axis.

Standard Deviation

The standard deviation calculates the data points’ dispersion in relation to the mean. It specifies the distance between the mean and the data points and the distance between the mean and the observations. The standard deviation is a benchmark for determining how variable something is. It specifies the normal distribution’s width. The standard deviation indicates how far values tend to deviate from the mean. Changing the standard deviation narrows or widens the width of the distribution along the X-axis on a graph.

How to use the Normal Distribution Parameters?

The parameter values of mean and standard deviation apply to entire populations. Greek symbol μ (mu) represents the population mean, while σ (sigma) represents the standard deviation. But it is impossible to measure an entire population by using normal distribution parameters. Therefore, researchers use random samples to calculate the mean and standard deviation parameters. Symbols such as x̅ represent sample mean, while s represents sample standard deviation.

The Empirical Rule

According to the Empirical Rule, 99.7% of data following a normal distribution falls within three standard deviations of the mean. According to this criteria, 68% of the data falls within one standard deviation, 95% within two standard deviations, and 99.7% falls within three standard deviations from the mean.

In statistical analysis, the usage of an empirical rule is frequent to forecast outcomes. This rule helps researchers in predicting the outcome of the upcoming data. It is a simple technique to rapidly review your data and look for anomalies that do not fit the trend.

Central Limit Theorem

The central limit theorem is a foundation for how normal distributions work in statistics. To acquire a good idea of a population mean in research, you should ideally collect data from several random samples within the population. The distribution of the means of these various samples is known as a sampling distribution of the mean.

According to the central limit theorem, if you have a population with mean μ and standard deviation σ, take large random population samples. The distribution of the means of large samples will result in an approximately normal distribution. Here are the major key points to remember about central limit theorem:

  • Sample sizes of 30-50 are enough for the central limit theorem to hold
  • The more the sample size is, the more sample mean will be near to the population mean
  • Large sample sizes can more precisely predict the features of a population

Probability Density Function

A probability density function (PDF) is a statistical tool that describes the probability of an outcome for a discrete random variable rather than a continuous random variable. You can use a probability density function to fit a normal curve to your data. But you can use it after you have the mean and standard deviation of a normal distribution.

The area under the curve in a probability density function indicates the likelihood of an outcome. The total area under the curve can be on the two extremes of 1 or 100 per cent since the normal distribution is a probability distribution. The normal probability density function formula appears to be somewhat tricky. However, all you need to know to apply it is the population mean and standard deviation. You may find the variable’s probability density taking on any value of x by plugging in the mean and standard deviation into the formula.

Standard Normal Distribution

A normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 is the standard normal distribution. A random variable that follows this primary normal distribution is commonly denoted by the letter Z. It is impractical to retain separate tables for each combination of mean and standard deviation. One technique to compute probabilities for a normal distribution is utilising tables that give the standard probabilities.


We have outlined the fundamental components of normal distribution in statistical analysis. All variables usually are or almost normally distributed in natural and social sciences. Many statistical tests intend to distribute populations because normally distributed variables are found everywhere. Thus, understanding the features of normal distributions allows you to compare groups and produce population estimates using samples and inferential statistics.