How MOOCs Are Changing The Nature of Traditional Classrooms

Demonstration Speech

MOOC stands for Massive Online Open Courses. MOOCs are providing free university and college-level courses to students and students can easily get these courses free of cost. The most important benefit of MOOCs is that anyone from all around the world can get admission in these courses. That’s why their enrollment has crossed over 100,000+ students. After getting admission in a MOOC course, students are free to work at their own pace. It means that students are free to watch informative lectures, to complete assignments and to take exams. Here, experts of PhD dissertation writing services will discuss how MOOCs are changing the nature of traditional classrooms.

  • Offer A Variety Of Subjects

It is a fact that college schedules are very tight and you are not allowed to take all the courses that you want to take. There is also a possibility that your college is not offering that subject in which you are interested. Moreover, in some college courses, you will have to pay heavy fees. This problem is solved by MOOCs. Its reason is that MOOCs are providing a wide range of courses to students from Yoga training to Finance management. On the other hand, if you want to get your degree, there is no need to pay fees for it because these courses are free.

  • Prepare Your Academically For College

Recently, more than 70% of senior college students have admitted that when they get admission to a college, they were not prepared for it. This problem is also solved by MOOCs. Its reason is that MOOC has developed some courses, in which students are taught about entry-level math, first-year compositions and pre-calculus etc. For this reason, you should get guidance from your teachers that what areas you should focus on to get success at the college level.

  • They Are Open To Everyone

Education in United KingdomIt is also a fact that all the students are not able to get admissions in their desired college courses. It means that if they have to get admission to a particular college course, they have to compete with other students. In other words, we can say that traditional classrooms don’t give access to all the students. On the other hand, MOOCs courses are open for all the students because anyone can get admission in a particular MOOCs course. You just need to sign up for this course and there is no need to provide any kind of background information.

  • Moocs Courses Are Available In Different Languages

In traditional classrooms, you will be taught in those languages where you are living. Its reason is that your teachers don’t have enough commands over other languages. On the other hand, if you want to learn a particular course in multiple languages, MOOC is the best resource for you. Its reason is that MOOC is providing courses to students in different languages. MOOCs have also designed some essential courses for those students who are deaf or who are facing some hearing problems.

  • You Can Learn A Language For Free

In traditional classrooms, you will be taught only traditional courses only. It means that you can’t learn a new language according to your own choice. MOOC is also helpful for students in this regard because it is also providing an opportunity for students to learn a new language. Students are free to learn a new language at their own pace. They can easily revise lectures. Moreover, they don’t try to focus on cramming due to exam stress.

  • Learn From Peers All Around The World

logoiconStudy by a dissertation writing service shows that in a traditional classroom, students can get access to those students who are local residents. On the other hand, MOOC courses are open to all the students all around the world. Students from all around the world can get admission in these courses and they can learn in collaborating with each other. By collaborating with other students all around the world, students can also find an opportunity to broaden their worldwide view.

  • Let You Test Out Your Major Before Committing

After completing school education, there are some students who are not able to test out their major subjects. As a result, they face lots of problems to get admission in colleges. Students can also overcome this problem with the help of MOOC. Students can get admission in different MOOC subjects and they can get an idea of which subject is interesting for them. On the other hand, if they get admission in a particular subject at the college level and after sometimes, they feel that these subjects are not interesting for them, they will face lots of problems to change their major subjects.